Everyone Knows It Takes a Village

But Nobody Knows Where to Find It!

So, we created it, and we are excited to share our Community and "The Den" with you.

Here's where you can find answers, resources, reassurance, support, connection, understanding, appreciation and recognition.

You just need to carve out a little time and bring your own coffee.

"I can't believe how much I can learn with just a few minutes investment here and there. This gets me what I need to be ready to tackle tough topics with my kids."

-Sarah J. from Pheonix, AZ


Quick, Empowering Videos

We regularly add and update videos on...

Mama's Ready!: Everyday items you probably already carry and how to use them in self defense,

Reviews for You: A simple, straightforward review by a real-life mom on products and services marketed to women for defense and how it relates to caring for children of various ages.

Convos with Experts: Enjoy quick conversations between experts on things they wish every mother knew about being safe and protecting children.

Mama's Ready with her shoes!

Feel free to speed up the video - I know you're busy.

"I am responsible to protect my child from harm, and I now feel capable of doing so. Even better, I get to help my child develop life skills that no one taught me . -Mandy F. from Los Angeles, CA


Convenient Downloads

Get age appropriate, solution oriented and empowering suggestions and recommendations around the topics that concern moms the most, like...


Internet Safety,

School Violence,

Predator Proofing,

Body Autonomy,


& More.

Effectively address tough topics with lighthearted resources. It's absolutely possible (and imperative) to prepare children without creating anxiety or terror.

"I almost invested a ton of money into this online training for my daughter on safe life skills for kids. It was the closest I could find to what I was wanting. I'm so glad my friend told me about this before I did! I now know that the instructor for that other training was not qualified to be teaching, and here there were links to free resources that helped me prepare her with what I really wanted her to know. -Marcia C. from Ann Arbor, MI



If you've been following us for any period of time, you understand that the majority of resources available for helping our kids to be safe actually set them up to fail.

Rather than the confusion of knowing which resources have what value - if any, enjoy a simplified list with the right resources for the topics that are concerning you.

"We know someone who committed suicide because of sextortion. So having the resources to address such a serious and touchy subject saved me a ton of stress. - Gayle H. from Oklahoma City, OK


Answers to Your Questions

We do our best to provide neutral input, so that you can find the solutions that work best for your lifestyle and values.

All moms want their children to be safe.

While we all have that same end goal, we can go about protecting our kids and our families in different ways. Some goes to extremes in one direction and then some to extremes in the other and then there's everything in between.

Every family deserves to be and feel safe, and we want to be sure that you to find the feel good solutions that work for you.

"I found the exact information that I needed to address the bullying at school. The books helped me connect with my daughter and have conversations around where and how we have choices. I was also able to take the recommended action with the school, too. Since then, I've been able to help other moms, too.

-Jill J. from Bellingham, WA


Life Changing Webinars

While we have found a plethora of resources, we are excited to share, some topics are absolutely pertinent, and we have yet to find providers that share information we feel safe recommending.

Participation in all webinars is included in the PREPARED Village. Not only that, but recordings of past webinars are included as well so you have access to the information you need when you need it.

And to top it off... There's a live monthly Q&A, so you can get your questions answered by an expert and in real time!

"I love that I get to give input on upcoming topics!"

- Mary H. from Pittsburgh, PA

Because EVERY Child Deserves a Better PREPARED mom.

The Den


  • Unlimited Access to "The Den

  • (Library of Priceless Resources)

  • 20% off Webinars

  • 15% off Downloads

  • 10% off Merchandise

Pay 195/year to save $33 and get a

Mama Bear PREPARED T-Shirt

The PREPARED Village


  • Unlimited Access "The Den"

  • And the Discounts PLUS

  • Participate in MBP Webinars

  • Enjoy Monthly Q&A Sessions

  • 20% off Coaching Packages

Pay 795/year to save $153 and get a

Mama Bear PREPARED Hoodie


1. What is your cancellation policy?

You are welcome to cancel at any time for any reason.

Within the first 30 days of access, if you find you are unhappy with the Mama Bear PREPARED Community, Den Access or the PREPARED Village for any reason you can get a full refund. Simply request a refund within 30 days of purchase. Links for cancellation are provided conveniently in monthly reminder emails.

2. I live in (insert country here). Can I join?

You are absolutely welcome to join. However, while the suggestions for living in prevention are mostly completely universal, strategies and suggestions are based on legalities and the resources available in the United States.

Again, you are welcome to join and will absolutely benefit no matter where in the world you reside, however you are responsible for any applicable laws for where you live.

3. What's the format of the content?

You will find "Den Access" which is where we keep short videos and resources with recommendations specifically for mothers along with webinars on pertinent topics as well as with various experts. We also have relationships with related providers where they have shared content with us specifically for our community.

In short, this includes links, videos, invites to live webinars and meet ups, and more than you knew you needed.

4. Is the content just for moms?

This space is created by and for moms, however there is plenty of content here you will want to share with your family, adults and children alike. The Webinars and Resource Library especially have great stuff to share with your children and family. However, unless expressly invited, participation in webinars is limited to moms, and every PREPARED Village Circle Meet Up is for moms only.

5. I've heard this helps with trauma? Is this therapy?

This is not therapy. No therapy services are provided by Beating Disaster or through the Mama Bear PREPARED™ online content. Insurance does not cover or reimburse for any of our services.

However, participants that have invested in our online and in person offerings frequently claim to gain confidence in themselves, their ability to keep themselves safe as well as choose and participate in safer and healthier relationships. These results are achieved through the development of certain skills and beliefs.

6. If I'm new to Mama Bear PREPARED™ how can I learn more?

Absolutely sign up to receive emails on the Home page. We do our utmost to empower moms in everything we do.

What child couldn't benefit from a better PREPARED mom?

Get what moms need to keep their kids safe.