Everyone Knows You Need a Village

But No One Tells You Where to Find It

So, we created it, and we are excited to share the Mama Bear Community with you.

Here is where we put all the things we believe that every mom needs and deserves to know.

First and foremost it's the community every mom needs. And it's also filled with free content with all the things your children need you to know.

"I can't believe how much information is in there. And for free."

-Sarah J. from Phoenix, AZ

Am I too overprotective?

I don't want to be a helicopter parent.

Am I too lenient? Do I give too much freedom?

How do I know if I'm doing enough?

Am I giving my kids enough information?

Am I giving them too much information?

How can I be sure that they aren't targeted?

What will people think of me if I say something?

What will happen if I don't say something?

What if I'm mistaken or I'm wrong?

Will anyone believe me?

You're not alone in your worries, mama.

Join us in a safe space where the focus is on empowering solutions.

Tough topics can be brought to light without being blamed, shamed or criticized.

Find relief in community and get well needed courage for speaking up when things aren't right.



There's a ton of content found online on how to protect and prepare your kids.

In teaching self defense for over 10 years we have found it to be the content we pump our kids full that is the cause of not correctly identifying danger or doing something about it in time.

You may have gotten our download with 10 Mistakes Moms Make (if not, get it here). This online course deep dives into the 3 Most Dangerous (which are not on that list). We tell you why and what to do instead.

"I have been doing exactly what they said and for the reasons they explained. I'm glad it repeatedly points out that it's not my fault. I have only been doing the best I could do with the information I had. I'm relieved to have better information! - Gayle H. from Oklahoma City, OK


How PREPARED are You Quiz?

Take a quick quiz to assess your plan and preparations for defense.

After getting your results, you'll find quick, enlightening videos around the pros and cons of all the different things considered self defense so you can see where and how your preparations may be lacking.

Or... maybe you'll rock the quiz and we'll offer you a job.

"I got a 1.2%! The videos made me feel unjudged and encouraged me to continue in the process - which I really wanted to know. What a true blessing you are doing this work... for so many."

-Kendall C. from Syracuse, NY


A Short, Must See Webinar

In all the years of all of the conversations with women and mothers around tools and weapons for self defense, we have found some very concerning themes. Quite often women...

are carrying something only because a loved one got it,

never read the inserts or package or had training in its use,

carry in a way that makes it unrealistic for actual defense,

are not willing to actually use the item they are carrying,

have something that's illegal to use in defense,

or are not aware of the effects of using the item.

Any one of the above drastically affects the likelihood of successfully defending yourself.

That's why we want you to enjoy this FREE webinar that will introduce you to your options, the pros and cons and each and how they apply to motherhood.

"Well, that was enlightening. Turns out I could have landed myself in prison for my choice of tool for defense. Thank God nothing actually happened and I got to learn here instead of a terrible life lesson.

-Marcia C. from Ann Arbor, MI

Because EVERY Child Deserves a Better PREPARED mom.

The Mama Bear Community


A safe space for moms to share their concerns, get understanding support from likeminded mamas and enjoy free life saving and life changing content on protecting children from harm.


1. What is your cancellation policy?

This is a free offering. Come and go as you please.

2. I live in (insert country here). Can I join?

You are absolutely welcome to join. However, while the suggestions for living in prevention are mostly completely universal, strategies and suggestions are based on legalities and the resources available in the United States.

Again, you are welcome to join and will absolutely benefit no matter where in the world you reside, however you are responsible for any applicable laws for where you live.

3. What's the format of the content?

You will find a community with space for connection and chat along with posts, links, videos, invites to live webinars, and more than you knew you needed.

4. Is the content just for moms?

This space is created by and for moms, however there is plenty of content here you will want to share with your family, adults and children alike. The Webinars and Resource Library especially have great stuff to share with your children and family.

5. If I'm new to Mama Bear PREPARED™ how can I learn more?

Absolutely sign up to receive emails on the Home page. We do our utmost to empower moms in everything we do.

What child couldn't benefit from a better PREPARED mom?

Get what moms need to keep their kids safe.

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