Happy, fulfilled children that feel safe do not hurt others.
The more terrible your child's behavior, the more scared, alone and struggling they are.
Sometimes it's very apparent what they are communicating, and other times we might have absolutely no clue. At times these behaviors are developmentally and age appropriate, and eventually children most often grow out of them. And then there are other circumstances where they do not. Whether age appropriate or not, people can get hurt.
What can we do to help them stop hurting others?!
Hopefully, you can see how this is not serving your child or helping them in any way.
However, they may be difficult to establish.
Enjoy this download for 9.99 - or it's included in the Raising Nonviolent Children online course content.
Purchase this download here now and receive a $10 discount code of the online course.
and happily share them with you here.
You may already own some of these. If not, you can find most in local libraries, or all are for sale on Amazon.
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This online course is roughly 3 hours of content to be enjoyed at your leisure.
For $49 you will be taken on a journey into understanding and supporting your child into healthier behavior.
You can expect to confidently keep yourself and other kids safe, be prepared to prevent outbursts, and
create a safety plan that has everyone's best interest in mind.
These, too, are Amazon affiliate links. If you plan to purchase any, please consider supporting our efforts by purchasing through the provided links as we receive a percentage at NO EXTRA COST to you. These are all Amazon Affiliate Links.
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